Woke up to hurricane warnings! Stuff blowing sideways past your window makes Mondays less thrilling. This weather happens in the Southeast since the Gulf of Mexico is apparently El NiƱo's favorite place to do a huge belly buster. (Scientific fact. Ask anybody.)
Every area has to deal with their distinctive weather "signature". And we regularly deal with contractors who feel "the weather" is why they're busy, not busy, on fire, or chipping their trucks out of the parking lot instead of selling. (A solution is coming, if you can believe it.)
But first, here's how the rest of the Nation views your region. If you live in these regions and disagree, the rest of us would like to say, "Yeah, right. Whatever you say."
How Others View Weather in Your Area
The North and Northeast is embalmed under 3 feet of ice for like 9 months of the year. All winter, tanker-loads of salt are dumped over what is called "Goiter's Triangle" that stretches from Detroit to Bangor to Cleveland. To help indoors, millions of Amish Heaters are sent (second one shipped FREE!) to thaw inhabitants. Several regain consciousness and revote in Chicago elections.
The Midwest - in organized midwesterly fashion - has a tornado scheduled every 90 minutes. That's why the show, Storm Chasers (previously called "9 Sorta Bored Idiots in a Van Full of Cameras") drives around Nebraska hoping to outrun 270 mph winds. When the Tornado Generator Vortex Thruster machine is being serviced, a flood is called in to relieve boredom.
In the Northwest, it has been raining since the Paleozoic era. In Seattle, a town where Noah wouldn't have made Eagle Scout, it's not unusual to see a giant squid in a coffee shop, just lying there... lost, but caffeinated. Those raised in the Northwest have never seen their shadow outdoors, thus believe "The Sun" is a rumor. Mildew is considered a crop.
In the Southwest, they pretend to have two seasons: 1) hot and 2) dry, but they occur simultaneously. (Then why the appeal of Taco chips and hot sauce?) The west half of Texas - which is larger than all of Europe - also boasts of "Tumbleweed Season," though it was determined these are actually remnants of the border fence.
As non-conformists, California refuses to have weather. They instead have "trends" which include seismic gyrations, mudslides, geysers, and locust swarms. Oddly, locals contend that it's "Surf's Up" all year at 72 degrees with perfect humidity, yet the Television News shows houses sliding down hills onto Interstate 5, where no one really notices, but honks and refuses to let them "cut in line". California behaves like an island, which could be prophetic.
So, the weather never cooperates. The season never "behaves". You can always find a reason that your business doesn't thrive because of conditions "out of your control." But there are conditions within your control...
How to Make Smart Marketing Beat the Stupid Weather (Plus a 7 Sentence Marketing Plan that WORKS)