Thursday, January 22, 2009

Contractors Are Fired Up!

At some point, it’s just ridiculous. And I love it.

Tuesday, we had a Teleseminar called “Your 90 Day Contractor Marketing Map”. This was under-promoted (intentionally) to a tightly controlled list.

For reasons I’ll let you figure out, we got 41 pages of questions. I couldn’t answer 41 pages of questions if you gave me a two week head start. (I did answer about 15).

But that’s not what I want to tell you now, this is -—

Contractors are fired up. They – I mean you – are not taking this economy sitting down. Oh sure, you got some lazy dogs with less excitement than McKain’s wardrobe designer, but those people are in every industry. I’m talking about the scads of contractors who are pro-active, revved up, and fully accepting that we all make our own economies.

Now, if you work for someone else, this doesn’t apply. But if you’re at the helm, in a commodity, “must have” service then you own your future. You can “re invent” the commodity to become more valuable, more desirable, with better benefits than any “normal” commodity by some creative marketing and packaging.

And that fires me up. But what happened after the Teleseminar choked me up a little, yet excited me far more….

When I read the 41 pages of questions, I saw it written between the lines. I caught the enthusiasm to “Change what you can and not complain about what you can’t”. Good enough for me. Things are changing, they will not go back to the old way. The economy, customers, marketing efficiency, contractor/client relationships, but more than anything, your attitude – even amid dismal headlines – is inspiring.

We pay each other, you and I. I get paid in dollars to straighten out a marketing mess, you get paid in dollars from the hopeful result. Yet when it comes back here in the form of appreciation, or excitement, or the motivation to get to the next elusive level, I feel like we were paid with something far more valuable than currency.

What I “suspected” was in the now-famous 41 pages of questions, came back in the form of your response to our effort to answer, solve, simplify. If you were any part of the following, I thank you from the bottom of my little capitalist heart. If you weren’t, doesn’t matter. You’ve read this far and that’s enough for me.

It’s going to be a great year. Yes it is.

This is what contractors are saying about our teleseminars:

“You Marketers seem to make sales sound so easy! Very encouraging. You have a strategy for everything; looking forward to learning them!”
Larry Baxter
Medicine Hat Refrigeration & Air

“The teleseminar was the most information packed hour I have ever been a part of.”

Skip Farinhas
GMC Air Conditioning Services

“Great information on all aspects of running a contracting company. I couldn’t take notes fast enough!”
Debbie DeGrace
Comfort Air Distributing

“Fantastic info – I can put these ideas to work right now!”
Dana Mack
Atlas Butler Heating & Cooling

“Adams is crazy. Excellent information – why give it away?”
Brian McDonald
Outer Banks Heating & Cooling

“Missing these teleseminars would be detrimental to my business!”
Juan Cardona
JC Heating & Cooling


Kevin Beamer said...

Whew! I bet the 41 pages of questions in the teleseminars can fire up a person’s ego big time! heheh. “Change what you can and not complain about what you can’t”, I love that phrase. Think of the things that can help you excel in your profession; after making a mistake, learn from it and never pity that you committed it. That made me more motivated to do my best at work. heheh. Good job!

Kevin Beamer

Unknown said...

Thank you for all the info! I have been searching for good refrigeration contractors in Medicine Hat. Thanks for all the help.