Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How to “Remember” Every Customer This Holiday Season

Do you remember what “remember” means? It’s not too hard to find out.

In the old days, if you wanted a specific definition for a word, you’d have to pull out a bound dictionary and flip through to the alphabet letter that starts your word. Now you can just enter the word-in-question in a search engine and up pops the online dictionary with the definition and, in some cases, how it’s used in a sentence.

I bring up this seemingly “unrelated to anything” illustration because I’d like to point you to one of the uses for the word “remember” from dictionary.com – “to bear (a person) in mind as deserving a gift, reward, or fee: The company always remembers us at Christmas.”

And that is where my point is headed.

Do you want your customers to remember you next year? Start by remembering them during this very busy holiday season. Lots of folks are rushing here and there, under pressure to please family and friends, spending more than they care to acknowledge, eager for a caring and kind word.

You can be the one with just that word. In the form of a holiday card. Mailed to the home. With a message that comes across as real, genuine and caring. You’ll stand out and get noticed because you’re the company that always remembers your customers at Christmas. Or Thanksgiving. Or the New Year.

The holiday card is a good counter to the principle that no “sale mail” should be sent from December 10 – January 12. During this time, people have had it up to their eyeballs with what folks are selling, and your message is quickly discarded.

However, if you make no contact at all, you’re leaving a sizeable gap in your marketing program. So that’s why simple, effective holiday cards are a great choice.  They enable you to send an inspiring message to your customers when it really helps to hear it.  They also allow you to express appreciation for their business – and keep your name in your customers’ top of mind awareness. 

The trick is to get your card to stand out from all of the other cards.  If it doesn’t, it’s a waste. We’ve been working on this for years and have some tips to help you.

  1. First of all, the “regular” sized cards blend into the stack and may not get read. Go oversized so people will see it, usually a 5 ½” x 8 ½” is perfect. It’s large enough to be seen and it’s inexpensive. Good combo.
  1. Next, the stock cards with a picture of an ornament or some cartoon Santa with overused holiday phrases may be very common, but that’s the trouble:  they’re common.  They don’t stand out or hold a customer’s interest. The message is either worn out or just plain goofy. Your message should be unique, inspiring and thoughtful. Since we were unable to find any good “contractor specific” cards, we created some you can review at www.hudsonink.com. There are 8 designs (2 Thanksgiving, 6 Christmas) that may give you some ideas.
  1. For Postage, we recommend going First Class. Why? Well, these should go to your complete customer list, which means you’ll get back the undeliverables, allowing you to “clean” your list. If you go “standard” rate trying to save a few pennies, you’ll never know who’s moved, plus, it’ll take them far longer to get there and may miss the target date. So whatever you “saved” is lost in a hurry. Yet sending inexpensive Holiday Cards first class gives you a great “once a year” list cleaning. Makes sense.
Most of all, a great Holiday Card to your customer list gives you the opportunity to say “thanks” to the people who are keeping you in business. Customers do all of the buying and all of the referring; they pay for your employees … and they pay you. This is the time of year to say thanks with a nice holiday message. Plus, your competition probably won’t send one, so you’ll stand out even more!

A unique, creative oversized card that hits your customers at a time when they’re most receptive to thanks will get you remembered for retention, referrals and rewards.

Whether you choose our cards or have your own personal cards designed and printed, just make sure you send this important message to your customers:  Happy Holidays. And also to you.

1 comment:

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