Tuesday, August 16, 2016

What's the Point of Creating New Content?

This question – or a marketing-consultant-sounding version of same – is one of the key questions you should ask about your content creation. The point here is simple: If you’re going to create content for your website by which you intend to establish your expertise in your industry, you need to define your content’s purpose.
And it needs to be something other than, “I want to show everyone how smart I am.” We take it for granted that we would all be duly impressed by your intellect and expertise. However, as with all things marketing, the focus of your content marketing is not you, but what’s in it for your customer.
While your landing pages and other parts of your website will have lead-generation and conversion as a goal, your “expertise-enhancing” content in your blogs and reports and videos will often focus on how to “help” the customer rather than to “sell” the customer.
Which means that a more appropriate purpose for your content creation is, for example: Helping homeowners run their homes more efficiently. Or: Helping homeowners make smart choices about their home upgrades.
The other part of defining your purpose is knowing who your content serves. For your residential services, that audience is homeowners within a market area. Thus, your content should be geared to customers in your climate, region, season and any other distinguishing qualities for your community.
With purpose defined, create a mission statement – one that includes your target audience (homeowners in your city/region), the information you plan to deliver (home improvement ideas) and the expected outcome (time savings, cost savings, improved efficiency).
That means it could look something like this: Showing homeowners in how smart choices for their homes can save time, money and energy.
That’s how to keep your content focused, which helps you choose good topics and ensure your relevance. Otherwise, if you lose focus, you lose creative steam – and your audience. 

If you want some help on creating interesting content, reach out to a Hudson, Ink Marketing Coach today by emailing coaches@hudsonink.com

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